Love The Crowd, But Hate The Spotlight As An Ambivert Presenter?

Love the crowd but hate the spotlight as an ambivert presenter
Love the Crowd, But Hate the Spotlight as an Ambivert Presenter?
Ever felt that way? You’re not alone! Introverts, extroverts, and ambiverts (like myself) all experience public speaking differently.
The biggest challenge for ambiverts? We’re pulled in two directions. We love the crowd and the energy of connection, but hate the spotlight and intense focus. This can lead to some serious presentation jitters.
Here are three triggers that can send any ambivert presenter running for the hills:
Fear of Negative Evaluation:
We worry the audience is dissecting our every word and gesture.
Fear of Scrutiny:
Feeling like we’re under a microscope, with every flaw magnified.
Unfamiliar Territory:
Public speaking throws us into uncharted waters, which can be terrifying.
So, how do we overcome these fears and become comfortable giving presentations? Here’s the (not-so-secret) secret: mindset. [Read more…] about Love The Crowd, But Hate The Spotlight As An Ambivert Presenter?
How To Slay Your Social Anxiety Monsters As An Ambivert Presenter
Slay Your Social Anxiety Monsters: A Guide for Ambivert Presenters
Presentations. Ugh. As an ambivert, I crave social connection but also need downtime to recharge. Public speaking? It used to trigger my social anxiety monsters into a full-on monster mash. I’m talking answering-the-door-anxiety levels of dread.
Social anxiety loves to ambush us with specific fears, and three of its favourites are all-stars in public speaking situations:
Fear of Negative Evaluation:
We envision the audience dissecting our every word and gesture. Classic social anxiety monster move
Fear of Scrutiny:
Feeling like we’re under a microscope, with every flaw magnified. You know, social anxiety monster specialty
Fear of Unfamiliar Situations:
Public speaking throws us into uncharted territory, which can be terrifying for people with social anxiety – it’s practically the social anxiety monster’s theme park.
[Read more…] about How To Slay Your Social Anxiety Monsters As An Ambivert Presenter
Myth Of The Natural Speaker

Myth Natural Speaker
Myth of the Natural Speaker: Introverts and Ambiverts, Your Time to Shine Has Arrived
Public speaking. Two words that can strike fear into the hearts of even the most confident individuals. But here’s the secret most people don’t realize: the idea of the “natural speaker” is just a myth.
For many introverts and ambiverts, presentations can feel like a personal nightmare. We might imagine judgmental eyes staring back at us, our voices cracking under pressure, or our minds going completely blank.
These anxieties are often rooted in our body’s natural fight-or-flight response, which can be heightened for those of us who also experience social anxiety.
Can You Give Yourself A Wealthy Mind?
Is money your friend? Or does it only visit every now and then? No matter how you earn your daily crust, money is on everyone’s mind. But if it slips through your fingers like water draining out of a bucket then maybe your money mindset needs some TLC
My relationship with money has always been slightly healthy, I mean I like to save and watch those noughts grow, but is this really a healthy money mindset?
Hmm not sure!
Apparently we have to be aware of where we stand when it comes to money. I mean do you like it? Love it? Fear it?
Is Your Mindset Locked?
Today I was in a tussle with myself because I couldn’t get the required shift from a belief change process I was working on.
And it frustrated me no end.
I was trying to undo my very poor money/wealth mindset so that I could do better in business when it came to pricing and selling.
But I simply couldn’t get passed my belief that objections are a firm NO THANKS- NOW GO AWAY
When Would Be A Good Time To Stop Your (negative) Past Being Your Future?
I had a horrible thought
I thought that I was taking too long to get my dreams off and running.
I thought that I was being slow
I also thought that others, maybe even you, would judge me as being too late to the party
And the party ended years ago.
As I’ve gotten older
[Read more…] about When Would Be A Good Time To Stop Your (negative) Past Being Your Future?
Is It Normal To Be White-knuckling it through Our Day?
We don’t have to go far to hear someone – including myself – talk about how our fears keep us from moving forward. And though I don’t know you personally I bet what we both have in common is that we will do anything to avoid our fears.
But what do we do when we want to build our business or get that promotion or just get through the day and the tasks that we do somehow seem to create those fears within us?
And worse still, if you don’t have a way to avoid those fears, and you don’t have a reliable strategy that will calm you down, make you think rationally and like water draining down our plug hole, take the fears away, then what? [Read more…] about Is It Normal To Be White-knuckling it through Our Day?
Change Your Beliefs Change Your Life
Welcome to The Belief Exchange
Here you will find articles that help you think, help you make changes to your behaviour and attitude and even help you know why someone reacts as they do and potentially what you can do to change it.
Years ago I remember reading T Harv Eker’s book Secrets of The Millionaire Mind, where within the pages were a list of beliefs that millionaires have that non millionaires don’t have, hence why they were not millionaires, and this intrigued me.
Assumptions That Cause Anxiety
Assumptions are conclusions we come to, that we automatically believe are true, but there isn’t necessarily any truth behind them. With Anxiety, if you believe your own assumptions, this can and does trigger any anxiety you feel.
To illustrate the effect of this to you, below are two sets of thinking patterns, all you have to do is ‘guess’ how thinking in this way or having the habit of thinking this way would have on a person.
Maddie – our fictional character- has been told that she has to present her research findings to her team members in 2 weeks time. She thinks thoughts like these and assumes they are true
Assumptions Type A
Life After Anxiety
Success for everyone who has overcome their anxiety will look and feel very different. Below are general descriptions of what success can look and feel like for you, as it does for others.
HFA Symptoms
You may or may not have heard the term High Functioning Anxiety and so not sure whether you have it or not. Below are the common characteristics of someone with High Functioning Anxiety with my perspective as someone who is in this category.
What is High Functioning Anxiety?
High Functioning Anxiety is a term used to describe a person who ‘suffers’ from anxiety but who copes well in life despite having it. Closely linked to Generalised Anxiety Disorder, a person with HFA behaviours, tends to cope better than someone with GAD in their life and career. They may seem to have it all together but if there was a t-shirt that summarised their behaviour it would read- FUELLED BY FEAR
Everything they think and do is from a place of fear and we push ourselves to avoid the worst that can happen, even though the worst is usually in our heads.
What Does Anxiety/Worry Make You Do?
If you were to ask most people if they suffered from anxiety, most would say they didn’t. They may admit that they are a bit of a worrier, or things get on top of them sometimes, but to admit that you suffer from anxiety is rare, yet most of us do.
Worry by any other name is a form of anxiety but that’s by the by, because it’s not whether you accept that label or not, it’s whether you recognise that no matter what you call it, you will show signs that anxiety is ever present in your life. [Read more…] about What Does Anxiety/Worry Make You Do?
Why Distraction Works, and Why We Shouldn’t Always Choose It to Calm Our Anxieties
Ever wondered why sometimes you’re just too busy to be anxious, but at other times you can’t shake the anxious, worried feelings away? It’s all to do with distraction.
I want you to remember a time when you felt anxious, worried or just down about something, and no matter what you did, at the time that feeling dogged you. And now remember a time when you were super busy, and didn’t have time to breathe never mind worry, and you just got on with things, but when you got down time, usually in the evening, all those worries flooded back into your conscious awareness.
Worries and other negative emotions can only be there if you are thinking the thoughts that create them. Trouble is, we don’t always know what we are thinking especially if the trigger for how you are feeling now comes from a long standing issue that you’ve gotten so used to that it just becomes part of your life. [Read more…] about Why Distraction Works, and Why We Shouldn’t Always Choose It to Calm Our Anxieties
Symptoms Checker
Anxiety is such a huge term for a lot of specific symptoms and can help you if you think or want to confirm that what you are going through isn’t ‘normal’ and something should be done about it.
Note that because I focus primarily on the psychological symptoms of any malady, physical symptoms are for the main part left out but will go when the psychological part is taken care of.
Anxiety Symptoms
The main symptom of anxiety is worry. You may find yourself worrying about what is about to happen, or what could happen, or ruminate on what did happen seeing it in a very negative light.